Bhavan -33, Class-V


Product Details

BVB   Class - 5
S.No. Name of The Book Amount
1 English Semes.  1 835.00 Set Detail
2 English Semes.  2 835.00  
3 English Grammer 428.00 1. B/s  + C/S
4 Hindi 420.00    3408 + 989 = 4397 /-
Loose 5 Art Book 330.00
6 Computer 480.00
4 Binding cover @20 80.00 3. Kit-  305 /-
Sub- Total -  3408.00
8 Note Books Thick @ 55 440.00
(  H - 8,  )
( M - 2 ) @ 80 160.00
Loose 2 pkt pasting Cover @ 110 220.00
Loose 3 Sheets School Label @ 8 24.00
1 Art File SMALL @ 65 65.00
1 pkt Drawing sheet 80.00
Sub- Total -  989.00
1 Set Camel  Febric Colour Small 100.00
1 Round Brush 4 45.00
1 Round Brush 8 75.00
1 Fevicol 200 gm 85.00
Sub- Total -  305.00
Total -  4702.00
Total : Rs. 4702 .00